Bare Nex Gen Pro Dry Scuba Diving Drysuit
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This demonstration video discusses and shows the featutres of the Nex-Gen Pro Dry Drysuit from Bare. It is a rear entry drysuit allowing for easing donning and doffering. The Nex-GenĀ“s seams are welded making it virtually waterproof. It has latex neck and wrist seals providing a water barrier. This diving drysuit also has compression-resistant soft boots attached to it which keep your feet warmer. For durability, it has soft plate wear-resistant knee pads and shoulder pads. The Nex-Gen has a 360 degree swivel inflator valve and adjustable low profile exhaust allowing the diver to adjust them under water.
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Duration : 0:1:59
[youtube rp63BramWGY]
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