Scuba divers, what is your favorite fin?
I have a pair of Aqualung Caravelles, and while I like them just fine, I would like to know which fin you all wear, and why you like them. My next gear investment might have to be a new pair of fins, for the simple reason that the Caravelles are quite long and take up a great deal of room in my gearbag.
Also, what do you think of the split fins like ScubaPro’s twin jets? Are they really that much better or different from the typical fins?
I’m so sad because this is my first non-diving weekend since Sept. 9… I’m sick today!! 🙁
hey….I’m from the old school where i still wear single full fins…i have tried the split fins and what a difference! i haven’t tried the ones you’ve spoke of, to tell the truth i haven’t seen them yet but its been since the summer since Ive been in the dive shop…my old fins are long also, being I’m over 6′ my instructor thought that they might help give me better propulson…lol…after trying the split fins, there is no way I’m going back to them except for an emergency…lol…hey I’m jealous where do u live that you can dive everyday…lol…p.s try a larger type of duffel for your fins, its mesh and you can store them better with some of your gear
hey….I’m from the old school where i still wear single full fins…i have tried the split fins and what a difference! i haven’t tried the ones you’ve spoke of, to tell the truth i haven’t seen them yet but its been since the summer since Ive been in the dive shop…my old fins are long also, being I’m over 6′ my instructor thought that they might help give me better propulson…lol…after trying the split fins, there is no way I’m going back to them except for an emergency…lol…hey I’m jealous where do u live that you can dive everyday…lol…p.s try a larger type of duffel for your fins, its mesh and you can store them better with some of your gear
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I like split fins better. Foil Force fins feature an upcurved blade that works with your most efficent and natural kick strength curve. You kick forward to activate the blade, let the snap of the blade catapult you forward and do the work for you on the recovery.
A power and recovery kick is more efficient than one with two way — up and down — stress.
Foil Force Fin’s feature toes-free foot pocket that reduces cramping and leverages power from your strongest kicking muscles, for a most efficient kick. Clean edges that cut through the water without turbulence.
Independently moving wings let you fine tune your position with small foot and leg movements, and are upcurved to focus and channel water behind. Vortex Generators keep water fast-flowing to where it meets a pair of flapping foils that accelerate the water through the split behind you.
Check ’em out
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I dive the original Blades. I’ve tried the newer ones, but wasn’t too keen on the new foot pocket. I’ve also tried a pair of the Jet’s on a wreck dive.
My thoughts? The jets were fine in no current in the cargo holds, where a normal kick was used, but where I thought they might shine in a confined space, being shorter, they didn’t. If you need to scull quickly, they don’t get you anywhere fast at all at least they didn’t for me. That may be due to my scull style, although I did try to modify it to accomodate the fins. I found them to be fine for small movement but no real directional change ability.
Outside, in open water and in current? Hopeless. My buddies in Blades were pulling away. The difference is in how much work you do. The blades are a constant strain on the thighs and hips in comparison to the Jets. Great for a workout,directional change and a good burst of speed but not on your gas consumption. The jets I found worked welll for me as a "cruiser". If there was room in the bag for both, I’d be packing them, but given my types of dives and my comfort level with Blades as regards the kick style using them and their ability to scull quite quickly, I’ll be sticking to my Blades unless the dive warrants it. I even use them for work, as opposed to the stubbies. The Caravelle is a nice fin, it’s characteristics are a lot like a Blade’s but not quite as bombproof.
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unrestricted surface supplied commercial diver, IANTD tech diver, chamber op, gas blender
Sorry to hear that you’re sick 🙁
Fins style should be match to your style of kicking. For example, split fins work best with tight flutter kicks, but are suboptimal for frog, helicoptor or backwards kicks.
Split fins are very nice for top-line speed. In most of the tests, ScubaLabs for example, the split fins will usually be the top rated in terms of speed. And for long surface swims, they are quite nice.
My personal prefence is a blade type fin and usually dive ScubaPro Jet Fins. While I can’t outrun someone with split fins, when am I ever in an underwater race? I prefer the precision that the Jet Fins offer, and they are great for short bursts of speed.
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