William Trubridge’s 82 m Free Dive – Dean’s Blue Hole
Wednesday, May 5th, 2010 at
6:36 pm
The video presents William Trubridges constant ballest free dive without fins to 82 m over 3:09 minutes on May 11, 2007 in Dean’s Blue Hole off Long Island in the Bahamas
Duration : 0:7:8
[youtube SKaLpS59QvM]
there’s more than …
there’s more than one way to equalize the presure, if you practice them are more efective (at high dept are even more efective) than pinching your nose
Good question. I’m …
Good question. I’m guessing that his mask around his nose is very tight so no air can get out. So he doesnt need to pinch his nose because the mask is doing it for him. Thats just a guess.
how does he …
how does he equalize without pinhing his nose?
menudo pescao , …
menudo pescao , este si que sabe , nada como los peces
the blue hole is so …
the blue hole is so awesome
he does that …
he does that holding his breath???? holyshit
Me encanta ver tu …
Me encanta ver tu videos! Eres increible!
Ami tambien me gusta volar en el fondo del mar
this video makes me …
this video makes me think of the movie The Big Blue…
amazing. …
amazing. congratulation!
how does he clear his ears? and how is he able to equalize the mask in that depth? filling his mouth before the pressure locks respiratory tracts?
The song is Seven …
The song is Seven Cities by Solar Stone. Not sure what mix it is tho.
wow. outstanding!
wow. outstanding!
forget superman, …
forget superman, this guy is my new hero.
hi friends..
anyone …
hi friends..
anyone know the name of the tekno tune?
( after the duduk one)
i wonder. @ taht …
i wonder. @ taht depth.. do you think in terms of “meters”.. like how many meters further down can i go..?? .. or wtf..?? :~/
congratulation …
congratulation mister william trubridge!
big smile in mind, body, soul
only when your …
only when your scuba diving with compressed air to stop getting the bends. freedivers arent using compresed air which meens u cood dive as deep as u want and rise as fast as u want without getting any bends. its like dolphins and whales. they hold there breaths and plummet up and down depths.
Truebridge must be …
Truebridge must be half dolphin. C’mon and reclaim the record!!!!!
A truly inspiring …
A truly inspiring video! For your info. music at the beginning and end is ‘Duduk of the North’ from the film Gladiator, music when he is diving is ‘Seven Cities’ by Solar Stone.
you DO need to …
you DO need to equalize while freediving, but the methods can be different, with the help of air or without. I was wondering how the guy is equalizing the pressure in his masque!!! 82m is deep enough to squeeze one’s face and eyes if not equalizing
you dont need to …
you dont need to equalise if you are free diving unlike squba diving this guy is something else and i thought i was part fish!
Haven’t been to Cat …
Haven’t been to Cat Island yet BlockN, been over it quite a few times. Are there any good blue holes or drop offs there? If so, roughly where?