Scuba Gear: Regulator help please.?
So, i’m new to scuba diving, but i enjoy it a lot so I plan on buying some gear. And I just had a few small questions.
How accurate does a regulator need to be? How can I make sure that the regulator is
reading correctly, like a short test or something?
Are you talking about regulator or pressure gage? Regulator is a part that connected to a air cylinder. It has 2 type of outputs. 1 HP : to connect pressure gage to see how many bars you have, 2 LP connects to maps, inflator, horn etc. On LP circuit there is approximately 8-10 bars. There is no need to be accurate, because on the maps, which you hold in your mouth, air is regulating again according to the current depth.
I think you should wait and get experience. Because diving is very enjoyable, on the other hand very serious sports. Small mistakes may kill you.
Are you talking about regulator or pressure gage? Regulator is a part that connected to a air cylinder. It has 2 type of outputs. 1 HP : to connect pressure gage to see how many bars you have, 2 LP connects to maps, inflator, horn etc. On LP circuit there is approximately 8-10 bars. There is no need to be accurate, because on the maps, which you hold in your mouth, air is regulating again according to the current depth.
I think you should wait and get experience. Because diving is very enjoyable, on the other hand very serious sports. Small mistakes may kill you.
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