Spiritually speaking, if you were going scuba diving would you rather have?
Thursday, April 15th, 2010 at
10:23 pm
a diving instructor who went by the book, gave you all the warnings, told you what to expect and how to respond in an emergency and what to look out for,
One who simply told you, the book is ok, but don’t worry about it, just gear up, jump in and have fun. Everything always turns out alright?
anyone who would be so foolish as to think that they can ‘find their way’ with out the instruction book is more foolish than one who just denies the whole thing outright.
Let me guess, this is a religious allegory.
Scuba Diving and Religion have nothing to do with eachother, and it’s not a logical comparison.
Thanks, though.
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I supposes you dont knwo what spiritually speaking means do you? š
The first one.
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2. Someone with experience is better than someone who goes by the book.
That’s like asking, who would you rather? A doctor who memorized his medical books, or someone who’s done it a thousand times?
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It doesn’t matter, if God wants you to die that day you will. With or without the educated instructor.
If you want to know which would be safer, obviously the educated instructor.
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the second one.
live on the edge ;]
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Well assuming the ideas in the book can be tested – unlike the Bible…
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The first one. But to shoot holes in the analogy, if I don’t follow the instructions, I can be killed.
If I don’t follow the instructions of pastors and theologians (and I don’t), I’ll die. If you don’t follow them, you’ll die. If I do follow them, I’ll die. If you follow them, you’ll die, too. In sum, we’re headed to the same end whether I listen to the religious threats or not. So I choose not to, and I’ll take my happiness now. If you prefer your happiness in the form of IOU’s, then that’s your decision, and I say go in peace. I hope you do find happiness.
The final difference is that the consequence of not following the dive instructor’s directions is fairly obvious. Eternal heaven or eternal hell are not visible and not at all obvious.
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The second one.
I did it.
Diving instructors instruct stupid people who can’t think.
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anyone who would be so foolish as to think that they can ‘find their way’ with out the instruction book is more foolish than one who just denies the whole thing outright.
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