What gear do you wear when you go Scuba Diving?
Saturday, January 16th, 2010 at
11:14 am
How do you go Scuba Diving? Any links?
The biggest investment you will have to make is your equipment. This can be a unnerving task for you will need to wade through various vendors with all sorts of products. My advice to you is to take it slow and research the equipment you want to purchase. Once you have signed up for a course most instructors will assist you in purchasing your first set of gear. Scuba isn’t a cheap sport so if you are strapped for cash make sure you purchase gear that will encompass a variety of diving conditions.
The biggest investment you will have to make is your equipment. This can be a unnerving task for you will need to wade through various vendors with all sorts of products. My advice to you is to take it slow and research the equipment you want to purchase. Once you have signed up for a course most instructors will assist you in purchasing your first set of gear. Scuba isn’t a cheap sport so if you are strapped for cash make sure you purchase gear that will encompass a variety of diving conditions.
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If you’re just wondering what gear frequent scuba divers wear here’s BASICALLY what you’ll generally see:
From top to bottom:
1)Mask and snorkle
2)BCD (bouyancy compensator device)
3) Regulator (1st & 2nd stage, pressure and depth gauges)
4) Compressed Air Tank
5) Weight belt
6) Wet suit (for tropical waters) / Dry suit (for very cold waters)
7) Fins
Of course, as many sports there are always things we like to add to our gear. dive computers, knife, tank banger, etc…
Now if you’re asking what you need to START scuba diving, all you’ll really need at first is your mask, snorkel and fins. The rest could be provided by the organization you decide to take courses with.
To go Scuba Diving there are all kinds of options. From one time dive trips with short but thorough briefing. To complete courses for certification.
The two world renown organizations for Recreational scuba diving are: PADI and NAUI
Hope I could help! =D
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When you go SCUBA diving, you’ll wear: a mask, fins, buoyancy compensator (BC), tank, and regulators. That’s the bear minimum for most divers, however, there are lots of other pieces of equipment that can be purchased such as wet suits, computers, weight belts, etc. To go diving, I would recommend looking in the yellow pages for a dive shop that is nearby and asking about a "discover" class. That will let you get wet, breath off of the equipment, and decide if it’s something you’d like to pursue.
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Your profile doesn’t say where your from, but here’s a typical New England divers setup:
1: 7mm 2 pc. wetsuit (or Drysuit, if you can afford it.)
2: 7mm hood
3: 7mm booties
4: 5 mm gloves (7mm gloves are too restrictive for me)
5: Mask, fins, snorkel
6: BC
6a: Weight belt, if your BC doesn’t incorporate your weights.
7: Reg set
8: Computer (not needed, but a great addition).
9: Primary and backup dive ligts, as at depth in many of the waters I dive in, it can be dark.
For tropical diving, I lose all the 7mm and 5mm stuff, and drop to a 3mm shorty.
1st and formost, get your certification from whichever agency you have access too, and like. You’ll learn there to dive, and, hopefully, what your local conditions are like, and what you’ll need for those local dives.
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