I’ve got an amazing opportunity, but should i take it?
I’ve only got one more audition left for this amazing show where you are taken and travel around the world scuba diving and stuff.
But this means i’d have to leave my friends and travel for who knows how long!
What should i do?
There’s not alot more i can say that all these nice people havent already!!
That situation in which you are in is uncomfortable, but remeber "once in a life time, means no second chance" (yes, HSM!!) your friends and family will always be there and if anything should support you to go!!
Just go, have fun, do your thing, enjoy the luxury and bring them back little souvenirs so they know youre thinking of them!!
Hope i helped!
mq 🙂
PS- Do it!!!
your friends will be there and you can probably bring your cell phone and laptop to communicate with them. check with the show people. and even if you cant TAKE THIS AMAZING OPPORTUNITY. your real friends will still be there. remember the saying: "hell is missed opportunities"
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Duh… a once in a lifetime opportunity or …
whats-their-names? Ah, stop jackin at us! Go!
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if you don’t go and take advantage of this amazing opportunity, you will regret it later.
You can always stay in touch by email or phone.
There is almost nothing sadder than the words "if only"
you will meet new people and see some awesome places, so I say – go.
think of the stories you can tell when you get back.
have a great time.
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And maybe swim with sharks!
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Into the blue
If it involves a lot of money and they have a good chaperone program, take it.
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Hi Rachael!
You should have received my New Year Message I sent out today. It’s also posted on my blog. There is a section on that page about how you will continuously be tested in your acting career like I have been.
When you have clarity around what it is you really want and you research it to the max so that you know as much about what it will be like, AND you really know yourself well, decisions are made a lot easier.
Here’s the page again just in case you didn’t get it. http://www.actingcareerstartup.com/acting_career_new_year_message.html . There are also links to some exercises you can do that might help you get greater clarity. The page is long as it is a special edition for the New Year, but I hope you will find it helpful.
Good luck to you and thank you again!
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There’s not alot more i can say that all these nice people havent already!!
That situation in which you are in is uncomfortable, but remeber "once in a life time, means no second chance" (yes, HSM!!) your friends and family will always be there and if anything should support you to go!!
Just go, have fun, do your thing, enjoy the luxury and bring them back little souvenirs so they know youre thinking of them!!
Hope i helped!
mq 🙂
PS- Do it!!!
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Go for it – otherwise, you’ll regret it for possibly the rest of your life!
But when in doubt, pray about it. Even if you’re not "religious", just ask God, "Lord, is this what you want me to do?" Ask Him to give you a sign, or really give you the surefire desire to do it. He won’t neglect to answer you when you need Him! 🙂
God bless you!
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