How often do people die when taking scuba diving lessons?
The reason I wonder is my Mom and Dad went to Florida for a vacation and decided to get scuba diving certified there. On their last day and dive to get certified, in the Atlantic Ocean my mom was under about 50 feet of water with everyone else. Then my mom became unresponsive. Now I’m waiting for my Dad to fly back from Florida to bring my Mom back after the medical examiner does what they have to do. This was just yesterday when my Mom died, and I feel devastated. Although I’m a guy and am not good at sharing emotions, I’ve been crying since.
Before my parents flew out there, I took a scuba diving lesson class with my mom from PADI in a swimming pool, and I really enjoyed it and really wanted to try it again. However, now I feel so devastated with the big loss.
I don’t know how common it is for that to happen during actual scuba diving lessons?
The reason I ask is I feel so so depressed and wanted to know how common it is during actual lessons.
It is very rare for anyone to even be injured during a scuba diving course, much less a fatality. As long as the student is in good health and follows the rules they learn during class, scuba is a fairly low-risk activity. The medical history form that every potential student fills out prior to starting the in-water portion of scuba training is intended to identify those people with medical conditions that make scuba especially risky for them and to filter them out if a medical professional deems the risk unacceptably high.
Unfortunately the risks of scuba diving can only be reduced to a manageable level through health, fitness and training, they can never be eliminated completely.
I’m sorry for your loss.
Get off Yahoo! Answers and go and mourn your mother. I’m sorry for your loss.
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First of all I am sorry for your loss. It is not a common thing to happen as they go out of their way to make the learning process as safe as possible but accidents do happen unfortunately. This does not mean that you should give up on diving if you like it. However if it were me I would not go with PSDI if you could find a NASDS place you should go with them they train you much better. While I have never heard of anyone dieing during scuba diving lessons you have to ask the question was it a real class or being in Florida was it one of those certify you in three days kind of things?(I would not send my worst enemy to one of those)
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You need to wait and hear what the medical examiner has to say. Your mother’s death may have had nothing to do with scuba diving.
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It is very rare for anyone to even be injured during a scuba diving course, much less a fatality. As long as the student is in good health and follows the rules they learn during class, scuba is a fairly low-risk activity. The medical history form that every potential student fills out prior to starting the in-water portion of scuba training is intended to identify those people with medical conditions that make scuba especially risky for them and to filter them out if a medical professional deems the risk unacceptably high.
Unfortunately the risks of scuba diving can only be reduced to a manageable level through health, fitness and training, they can never be eliminated completely.
I’m sorry for your loss.
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NAUI Instructor