Three passions in my life are family, scuba diving, and videography. I combined them and took life to a new enjoyment level. I love taking scuba dive trips to dive destinations throughout Florida. Follow me to discover what is scuba diving, where to scuba dive, and how to scuba dive. Learn how family vacations can last a life time. I’m passionate about taking video and photos of other divers to “capture the depth of your memories”.

In this vid one of the manatees has a tag/beacon tracking transmitter. It was rescued because of an injury, given medical attention and fed, then released. Manatees are wonderful to snorkel and dive with!! They are so curious and friendly!! Divers went in the boil and were met by these two manatees at the end of the dive! AWESOME!

Duration : 0:4:15

[youtube R3eEgvaCRgc]