Pressure in my head after scuba diving two months ago. Help?
When on a diving vacation I had a cold and so, some head congestion. But when I came up from my last dive the pressure in my head was excruciatingly high. It did come down somewhat, but I’ve now had a headache, in varying degrees, for two months. I’ve been very thoroughly checked out, but no one can put a finger on the problem, nor suggest a solution. Ideas?
1: Call your own doctor
2: Call the Divers Alert Network at 1-800-446-2671 , or have your doc speak with them.
DAN deals with all types of diving medical conditions, and between them and your own doc, can nail something down.
dont worry it will be gone soon trust me i dive too and that same thing happened to me
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Ummm……… hate to say it but what is done is done. I’m a navy diver, and if you are having problems two months after your dive, either it isn’t from the dive, or it is probably permanent.
You see, if you did have a bubble, and it was what was causing the pain, it is gone by now. What is left is the damage to the tissue caused by the bubble, and unfortunately that is not going away any time soon.
For me though, from what I have personally seen. There are very few "headaches" caused by A.G.E. or DCS. Usually they are accompanied by many other more debilitating symptoms. Usually if someone surfaces with a headache it has something more to do with Carbon monoxide poisoning, or overbreathing their rig.
Sorry… I just realized none of this is probably helping you, or comforting you. Umm, I would probably try a different avenue of approach though, it may not be dive related. Good luck though!!
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1: Call your own doctor
2: Call the Divers Alert Network at 1-800-446-2671 , or have your doc speak with them.
DAN deals with all types of diving medical conditions, and between them and your own doc, can nail something down.
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