Spiegel Grove scuba diving segment from DVD
Thursday, January 21st, 2010 at
8:04 pm
This is a segment from our DVD entitled “Diving the Florida Keys: A Video Guide.” It shows divers what it’s like to dive the USS Spiegel Grove off Key Largo. The full length DVD is about 45 minutes and is available for sale at
Duration : 0:3:22
[youtube MGccV4kn0FY]
Capt Bob looked …
Capt Bob looked better with short hair… LOL.. He is a funny person, kinda strange funny, but he gave us some FIRM warnings when we dove on that wreck to keep it safe, I can see how people get hurt, its massive, you get lost, and their is CURRENT!
woah I’ve been in …
woah I’ve been in that shop!
nice footage of the wreck