AP Exclusive: Scuba Diving in the Gulf Oil Spill
Sunday, June 13th, 2010 at
12:16 pm
A rare and different perspective at the oil spill from beneath the surface. The AP’s Rich Matthews got an exclusive look at the spill by joining a dive team who explored how the oil is impacting the Gulf of Mexico. (June 9)
Duration : 0:3:24
[youtube FGX7krQYI_4]
Eco-Fascists in the …
Eco-Fascists in the house.
hello I cant
hello I cant
They make images of …
They make images of the whats under the ground before they drill,they knew what they were doing and drilled deep to reach their target. Terrorist bastards!
Obama’s Interior …
Obama’s Interior Dept. gave BP a “Finding of No Significant Impact,” bypass of having to do an environmental impact statement, for an unprecedentedly deep well in a fissure zone. Halliburtion Schlumberger (owned in part by George Soros) didn’t let the cement in their plug set enough and they know better. The result: Obama’s man-made petroleum volcano. What he’s doing with it: pushing “Cap and Trade” thievery.
@BlockN how is this …
@BlockN how is this stupid Americans? Pretty sure most developed countries use oil. Unless you are typing from one of those free laptops given to African children, I’m pretty sure you are happy that people drill baby drill.
Except it isn’t …
Except it isn’t that easy. I agree that we need to get off oil, but oil is in so much stuff around us. Plastic comes from oil. Look around and see how many things around you are made of plastic. Plus, if we throw out oil right away then energy costs are going to skyrocket. The electric car hasn’t really been made for the everyday person yet. In this economic climate increased costs in energy would rape an already beaten up economy. I agree down with oil, but we need to do it slowly.
I fear …
I fear it’s not that simple. BP is just one of many that are out to up our ecosystem.
These …
These companies have to be stopped.
why does this have …
why does this have that few views???
your right the only …
your right the only alternative to the destruction of offshore drilling companies (which hopefully will lead to future avoidance of disaters such as the one currently happening in the U.S.) is the utter destrution of the oil companies its the inevitable answer to a short and easy problem
fire BP out of every regional branch from every corner of the world (and the majority of oil companies)
and you get a clean easy eco-system friendly enviornment
simple as that
If BP and other …
If BP and other companies like BP will not be stopped by goverment (US, UK/EU), than they have to be stopped the other way.
Managers are not like hydras. When they stop to exist and rest in peace with all their lies, then we’ll hopefully see a new future.
Don’t ask what others can do for you. Do it by yourself.
BP is despicable!!! …
BP is despicable!!! They are ruining everything!
drill baby drill …
drill baby drill loool
stupid americans
fuck bp!
@hoppterr Dont …
@hoppterr Dont worry…..we wont talke all of your pension money…..just most of it
You have to face a …
You have to face a Holy God on Judgment Day(Hebrews 9:27). He counts as adultery(Matthew 5:28) and hatred as murder(1 John 3:15). All liars will have their part in the Lake of Fire(Revelation 21:8). No thief will inherit the kingdom of God(1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Jesus Christ is the only way to be saved(John 14:6). YOU MUST REPENT OF YOUR SINS AND SUBMIT TO THE LORDSHIP OF JESUS CHRIST TO BE SAVED! THERE’S NO OTHER WAY! There’s no second chance after death, so repent NOW! Proverbs 29:1
Obama was actually …
Obama was actually there the first day of the accident diving with the animals, talking to them, to see what he could do, besides gathering data, using his incredible mind solving everything.
This is just …
This is just horrible.
yeah ,they hit a …
yeah ,they hit a volcano,i dont know what kevin kostners water /oil seperater can do about all that cemical what streamin out there..,and methan and i dont no what else..
Please watch my …
Please watch my video response… They won’t let me post it as an attachment
@Fringe111 Drill …
Deepwater drilling for you, you know these deepwater wells are under extreme pressure and the reserves may be enormous. this could be fun yet!!!!!
@donperry1 well …
@donperry1 well actually we synthesised and or brewed up the worst ones
@BabyJustWin Yes we …
@BabyJustWin Yes we know, they are re-enacting the bible its quite obvious. GIT ER DUN FOLKS!! HUL HUH!
@jimjam154 there is …
@jimjam154 there is no oil spill… nothing is happening you crazy conspiracy theorist! its the terrorists and you should be afraid not on youtube!!!! they hate the way we live!!!! look at what they did to the twin towers and WTC7 oh those fucks… they are destroying the world those so called terrorists taking over in places on the other side of the world which is not practical to visit and keep tabs on…
ohhh you crack me up you loon!!!
btw, dont forget to pay the TAX.. or else…!!!!
@hoppterr theres …
@hoppterr theres actually 11 dead in the bp/haliburton/transocean/us govt OIL DISASTER