Giant Cuttlefish Attack SCUBA diver
Tuesday, May 24th, 2011 at
2:27 am
Giant Cuttlefish (Sepia apama) attack on female dive buddy. Cuttlefish breed and lay their eggs around this time of year – and become very aggressive and “frisky”. They are very intellegent and are attracted to “shiny” things such as this torch, and especially anything that is yellow in colour. I motioned to her to switch the torch off, unfortunately she didn’t understand and this footage is the result. This is the first time this diver had ever seen a cuttlefish. This cuttlefish followed us for another 20 minutes.
Duration : 0:0:33
[youtube Bo53ErZgkRw]
did you just kill …
did you just kill it?
even when their …
even when their off their still cute as!
We must not, dear …
We must not, dear friends, forget our dear friends, the Cuttlefish…
ture OKJM40 but …
ture OKJM40 but there are good dive stories and videos on the net also. Try the myscubastory site. Type myscubastory into google and its the first one
@rcc1111 you meant …
@rcc1111 you meant Cthulhu, perhaps
@dakuwanga I …
@dakuwanga I attrack them with certain noises. This was not at attack at all whatsoever, the tentacles are not raised in the attack-engaging mode, it was just curiosity on the part of the cuttlefish and hysteria on her part. Your buddy is too easily frightened, perhaps experience will make her better or she already increased her understanding of the underwater world.
Foolish mortals! …
Foolish mortals! You have angered the great kathulu!
Very well, Kyle! I …
Very well, Kyle! I will eat the cuttlefish!
Cuttle fish is …
Cuttle fish is about ta come outta ma asshole! Sorry Kyle!
it moved so easily …
it moved so easily thru the water
damn nature, u kinda awesome
It was out for …
It was out for blood, anyone play mass effect? wierd that a cuttle fish and a reaper look a lot alike
split fins are for …
split fins are for the lazy and obese
id use my steel …
id use my steel pointer and jab the motherfucker
@theothersituation …
@theothersituation I’ve never even heard of him, but after a quick google search, I’m guessing you’re implying I used to be an alcoholic? In any case, I just like decent (if not good) grammar.
@nightmarexbat u …
@nightmarexbat u sound well spoken r u friends with bill w
@theothersituation …
@theothersituation *know
Technically they’re brilliant., but what you’re doing is bringing them to human standards and, as smart as they are, they’re stupider than a pigeon when compared to a vertebrate. What that means is, they are not capable of such complex thought. As far as I know, no other animals are.
If you watch any other cuttlefish diving videos, you will see that they are curious. A little cautious, but unless spooked, they will not ink.
@nightmarexbat are …
@nightmarexbat are you calling the cuttlefish stupid, we dont no how animals think it could have been like wtf is this doing
@theothersituation …
@theothersituation … I hope you realize you were the one at fault. The cuttlefish got spooked for whatever reason and inked because of it, feeling threatened. So no, it was not the cuttlefish’s fault, it was yours.
good point OLJ98 …
good point OLJ98 but there are also great dive stories and videos on the net.. try the myscubastory site. Type myscubastory into google and its the first one. They have lots of vids pics and true dive stories accidents and stuff
He needs to just …
He needs to just stick with his vanilla paste
so what big deal, …
so what big deal, fart
lol all the other …
lol all the other fish gatherd around the Cuttelfish like it’s the man after it had a go at the diver and the diver herself….
fish: hey look a …
fish: hey look a diver
diver: no no no no no nooo!
DEAD XD like cleveland