Negril, Jamaica Scuba Diving Trip
Sunday, May 23rd, 2010 at
8:38 pm
Underwater and above water photos and clips of my dive trip to Negril, Jamaica in November 2008
Duration : 0:6:3
[youtube Xen0covWlKw]
Viz was good, reefs …
Viz was good, reefs were nice but overfished. No large animals close to shore. Both dive ops I used were set-up for inexperienced divers. If you want more than a 30 minute dive to 50 – 60 ft., you’ll be disappointed. Locals were very pushy, even agressive about wanting things from us, and to sell us stuff. It got old. My GF and I both felt fortunate to have spent a week in Jamaica without something bad happening. But, it’s a beautiful island and I’m glad we went. Probably won’t go back.
How would you rate …
How would you rate the diving there in general? Some of the video and picks make it seem decent, but general comments on other boards tend to rip on the diving in Negril.
A Sony Xacti SD …
A Sony Xacti SD movie camera was used for the above water shots. I’d suggest the Sea setting, along with 2816 x 2112 size, Fine quality ISO Auto and Vivid color. I’d also try different EV settings. When I’m not using an external flash, -1.3 to – 1.7 works well for me. You’ll need to get in close since you won’t be using an external flash. And the deeper you go, and the less light you have from the sun, the less color your phots will have. Try shooting “out” , not up or down.
Very nice video. I …
Very nice video. I am going to do some diving in Ocho Rios soon. Can’t wait
I have the same …
I have the same sealife. Did you use it above water also? And any hints on settings I should use when diving? I have the lens but not the external flash. Plus I will be diving with the resort so I’m sure it will be 65ft max. {Beaches Negril}
the external flash …
the external flash really makes the difference in those shots. i was never able to come close with the built in flash
alsome!!!!!!!!!!!!! …
Yes, a (Reefmaster …
Yes, a (Reefmaster Mini) SeaLife SL320 was used for the underwater video clips and photos, along with an external flash and wide-angle lens.
Thanks for the kind words.
Great video. is …
Great video. is that the Sealife SL320? If so did you use an external flash? I’m getting one before my Negril trip.