Real Housewife Vlog: On Scuba Diving
Sunday, March 21st, 2010 at
8:42 pm
Scuba isn’t what I thought it would be!
Duration : 0:1:58
[youtube hE2SQ2sDQ_s]
She hasten actually …
She hasten actually tried it yet and she says “I don’t see what the big fuss is all about”
What a whine bitch. I gotta check her channel to see if she quit after the first time.
I would bet she quit after the first dive or just welshed on the bet.
You just don’t get …
You just don’t get it. Dummy,you gotta learn the basics so you DON’T kill yourself.THEN- you get to be in a totally different world that is sooo beautiful. Nothing like it,what I think maybe it would be like floating out amongst the stars…. Different strokes for different folks though. I love it!
Avoid vaccines, …
Avoid vaccines, they contain mercury, aluminum, MSG, aspartame, formaldehyde, squalene etc that cause diseases like ADD, autism, Lupus, Gulf War syndrome, Guillain-Barre, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, cancer, asthma, arthritus, depression etc. Now the WHO is pushing 4.9 billion H1N1 vaccines to be made & used throughout the world that may just have microchips in them too!
You are so funny! I …
You are so funny! I want more! My daughter (14) and I just got certified by a drill sergeant, Im sure. I know how you feel. LMFAO!
what a dork !!!!!!
what a dork !!!!!!
i love scuba diving
i love scuba diving
Haha, glad to amuse …
Haha, glad to amuse. I have had some fun with my cert. got to hold an octopus! I wish your wife good luck!
This is one of my …
This is one of my all time favorites, my wife will be getting certified after she has the baby!
I agree on the …
I agree on the awful scuba diving sound. You should try Freediving for the “freedom feeling” underwater.
Thanks : )
Thanks : )
hi all thought this …
hi all thought this was great
Just stay in the …
Just stay in the boat and watch the bubbles SCUBimbo. Diving might mess up your makeup.
i think your kinda …
i think your kinda hot. but your trying to sell this wayy to hard haha.. chill and be yourself
You will kill …
You will kill yourself diving. Stay on land & let your husband dive. Stick to the you tube videos.
Pretty funny. You …
Pretty funny. You need to make a sequel. About what happened when you scuba dived for real.
I am a EANx …
I am a EANx advanced scuba diver and I absolutely LOVE to scuba. this chick is hilarious…I got a kick out of her performance.
Maybe her opinion …
Maybe her opinion will change when she’s wreck diving in a tropical paradise……. or not
You’re amazing.
You’re amazing.
if you didn’t like …
if you didn’t like the first five seconds then why watch the whole video?
I thought this was …
I thought this was hilarious!
“Regulator”…are …
“Regulator”…are we supposed to be impressed because you know what the breathing thingy is called? Should we even believe you when you make up other words like bimbotic? Instead of wasting time getting certified you should have gone for your GED.
This is a very …
This is a very stupid two minutes with those ugly lips, Im very sorry with me, I dont know why I waste other minute written this.
You have just …
You have just gotten a new fan. I loved your video.
wow I just wasted 2 …
wow I just wasted 2 minutes of my life I will never get back by watching this pointless video. Congratz to her husband for the 4. though.