Scuba Diving Accidents Dead diver remains Blue Hole
Wednesday, January 4th, 2012 at
3:53 pm
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The Blue Hole is notorious for the number of diving accidents fatalities which have occurred there earning it the sobriquet, “World’s Most Dangerous Dive Site” and the nickname “Diver’s Cemetery”. The site is signposted by a sign that says “Blue hole: Easy entry”. Scuba Diving Accidents are frequently caused when divers attempt to find the tunnel through the reef (known as “The Arch”) connecting the Blue Hole and open water at about 52 m depth.
Duration : 0:0:59
[youtube py0ELqklbT8]
I was a commercial …
I was a commercial diver for seven years several decades ago. My former boss, Andre Galerne, was a fanatic about safety. He said an accident was ALWAYS? a series of events – one leading to another until catastrophe. So true … The other common factor I identified in the numerous mishaps/ near mishaps with which I was involved, was how frequently they occurred when our guard was down, at the end of the day/week/job or whatever. The “familiarity” would tend to mask the always-present peril.
Creepy? as fuck.
Creepy? as fuck.
@coolbassdude I …
@coolbassdude I think? you mean YOU’RE a moron…
@coolbassdude i was …
@coolbassdude i was on a dive with “dive masters” and these a-holes decided it was ok to push the tables for bottom time and depth , drink , take perscription medications all with too little sleep because they have done it before and didn’t get hurt ? i have also run into way to many divers that have had way to little instruction , way out of shape,barely able to swim one lap? in a pool- but they had enough money to pay for a course and buy or rent ! no thanks id rather dive alone then babysit
@lgttb1 at least …
@lgttb1 at least there is something to your respone other than stupidity. it is the resposibility of every diver to know your limits and dive conservativly avoid these situations. I am always amazed at the poor level of divers and their abilities, from any instruction, because? it is almost always ego that trumps skill in these situations. the bigger the talk on the surface…the weaker the skills at depth.
@Eaglecarroll …
@Eaglecarroll concrete evidence like that…who could argue…your a? moron
@Eaglecarroll i …
@Eaglecarroll i agree … looks like a certified PADI diver… i attended the ymca classes 35 years ago and it was almost as hard core as becoming a navy seal. the instructor made sure everyone was taught everything and you had to score very high on the written test and then pass all of the diving skills and prove you were very comfortable in the water. i still dive 50 plus times a year and enjoy every minute (no computer) i know how to do the math and? not push the tables
poor guy
i hope …
poor guy
i hope any of you lot? reading this dont go like this
drowning is by far the most painful death
Who’s? remains are …
Who’s? remains are those?
DIR diver?
DIR diver?
note the dead …
note the dead divers weight belt is still on and air is in the tank, must have? been a Padi diver
@MorbidBabex Not …
@MorbidBabex Not Lipski, the? recovered his body the next day.
@xrturbosteve It? …
@xrturbosteve It? would fall to pieces
My fiance suffered …
My fiance suffered explosive decompression diving here in May of 1993.? He was getting certified in deep water diving with PATI. The algae was in full bloom & you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face. No descent line was being used & his divecom instructor didn’t stay with him during the dive. My fiance suffered nitrogen narcosis, sunk to the bottom, ditched his weights (they had him in an an integrated weight belt system) & exploded to the top. He suffered massive brain damage.
Because people are …
Because people are stupid? and dive beyond their experience, training, and/or comfort.
That ain’t …
That ain’t funny, I’ve had friends die l io? is that, I almost have.
‘He? Dead’
‘He? Dead’
@AJAnewage well …
@AJAnewage well mainly cuz he died lke a bitch?
@StropewafelBWC how …
@StropewafelBWC how is that funny? moron
lol he? died
lol he? died
@TheTruthOfLies He …
@TheTruthOfLies He said: “Why not moving a crane? with a net and turn it? underwater and then get back the net with all inside…”
Thanks to the two …
Thanks to the two of you who informed me. Also, please? forgive my typos in my earlier post, I just read it again tonight.
As long as there is cave diving, there will be related fatalities.
The feet are …
The feet are missing because of the fish etc, there has obviously been skin showing around his ankles the fish will eat the flesh until the feet become? unattached, hands and face are normally prone as they are exposed to the elements and deteriate faster. Very sad but just nature!
@fredmarx1917 it …
@fredmarx1917 it was? a doctor from florida
yes surfgirl24? but …
yes surfgirl24? but there are good scuba accident sites? on the web too. try the myscubastory site. They have all sorts of dive stories and accident videos there. type myscubasory into google and its the first one. enjoy!