Should I wear a swim cap in my scuba diving class?
I was on the swim team at my high school for 3 years and wore a cap to reduce drag and keep my hair in ok condition. I am planning on taking a scuba diving class in my college and was wondering if I should wear a cap or not. Would that be weird or should I do it to not make my hair look like a disaster?
Definitely weird. Possibly ear damaging. You’ll be partially blocking your ears with that cap. They need to be exposed to help you equalize properly. You could experience pain and possible ear damage. That’s why divers don’t use ear plugs.
If you’re worried about your hair getting wet then perhaps scuba isn’t for you? It will happen. It’s unavoidable and scuba isn’t a fashion contest about how your hair looks. It will get wet. It will get windblown.
Edit: Not iffy at all. Cover your ears and you trap an air slug in there that doesn’t reflect ambient water pressure making equalization difficult if not impossible.
Yeah. It increases speed and it keeps the hair from being in your face. It also makes your hair stay in a better, more O.K style.
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Definitely weird. Possibly ear damaging. You’ll be partially blocking your ears with that cap. They need to be exposed to help you equalize properly. You could experience pain and possible ear damage. That’s why divers don’t use ear plugs.
If you’re worried about your hair getting wet then perhaps scuba isn’t for you? It will happen. It’s unavoidable and scuba isn’t a fashion contest about how your hair looks. It will get wet. It will get windblown.
Edit: Not iffy at all. Cover your ears and you trap an air slug in there that doesn’t reflect ambient water pressure making equalization difficult if not impossible.
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even though scuba bob knows a lot about scuba diving…i think with this question his answer is a bit "iffy"……when i was in my scuba class my instructor told me to wear a cap if i wanted to just because my hair was getting in the way because its really long and thick, but just dont put the cap over your ears and you will be fine. if you are a boy you shouldnt really need to wear a cap unless your hair is extremely long..and also if u were thinking of scuba as a fashion contest as scuba bob said then you wouldnt want to wear a swim cap because you look worse with a swim cap on than you do without it wouldnt it be the opposite way around? well anyways you should ask your scuba instructor what would be best for you…though im sure nothing is wrong with it or my instructor wouldnt have recommended it to me.
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