Three passions in my life are family, scuba diving, and videography. I combined them and took life to a new enjoyment level. I love taking scuba dive trips to dive destinations throughout Florida. Follow me to discover what is scuba diving, where to scuba dive, and how to scuba dive. Learn how family vacations can last a life time. I’m passionate about taking video and photos of other divers to “capture the depth of your memories”.

In this vid one of the manatees has a tag/beacon tracking transmitter. It was rescued because of an injury, given medical attention and fed, then released. Manatees are wonderful to snorkel and dive with!! They are so curious and friendly!! Divers went in the boil and were met by these two manatees at the end of the dive! AWESOME!

Duration : 0:4:15

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Visit to purchase scuba gear, scuba diving equipment & snorkeling gear.

This instructional video demonstrates the functionality of the Bonica Snapper HDDV 5.0 Megapixel Digital Video Camera with Underwater Housing.

Capturing good-quality scenes on the Bonica Snapper HDDV Video Camera is relatively easy. The major benefit is obvious- you can bring the beauty of the underwater world to life above water in High Definition Video.

To purchase scuba gear, scuba diving equipment & snorkeling gear visit

Duration : 0:5:20

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Scuba diving GoPro HD in Cape Verde

To my subscribers : obviously this video is not about airsoft, but scuba diving, which is one of my other hobby (because yes, unlike popular belief, my whole life does not turn around airsoft only). I’m a CMAS ** diver (plongeur niveau II in french).

Therefore you may not be interested in this video, which is indeed very long and, I have to say, pretty boring. I guess. I like the video, it makes a nice souvenir to me, but I guess it’s a bit slow and long ^^

I’ve been diving in Cape Verde during the first half of september. Cape Verde is an island country, spanning an archipelago of 10 islands located in the central Atlantic Ocean, 570 kilometres off the coast of Western Africa (thank you Wikipedia). On this particular dive, I was in Santa Maria, the major city of Sal, the island in the north east of Cape Verde.

There is 2 points for this video :

– To show a nice wreck dive in a nice dive spot in Cape Verde.

– To show the performances of an “out of the box” HD GoPro camera under water. I’m using nothing but the camera, the waterproof case and the head bang. I have not buy any other accessorie. The camera is placed on my front head, just on the top of my diving mask (you can see me putting off my mask at the end of the video).

As you can see the image is very blue, and a bit blurred. But honestly I’m very surprised, I think the image is really not that bad. The maximum depth of the diving was 38 meters.

I’m using the R4 mode in this video, which provides the largest and widest view. Which explains the black bars on the left and on the right of the video.

Duration : 0:37:34

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Video about how its made diving scuba Pressure Gauge. Welcome to visit us. is a Scuba Dive Travel Guide and we do Scuba Diving Reviews. We dive we travel we share. Visit us at . You can find many more information about travel, diving, marine life, useful tips and more..

Duration : 0:4:2

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Around the World with Force Fins

Force Fins still photos showing a bit of history and Force Fins in action from different locations around from around the world.

Duration : 0:2:50

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