DISCOUNT LINK http://WWW.AMAZON.COM/SCUBA-DIVING-EQUIPMENT-CRESSI-PACKAGE/DP/B001OUCQHA%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAJO4T2XUJFWFQ3SMA%26tag%3Dcatgr-sportinggoods-20%26linkCode%3Dsp1%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB001OUCQHA

Product Description
Scuba Diving

This rear expanding jacket has a simplified harness and lighter material than the Back Jac model and has been specifically designed for those who travel. Light Jac offers all the advantages in terms of freedom of movement, of great buoyancy and hydro-dynamism of rear extending models. To keep the volume of the sack to a minimum there is an elastic retainer which also aids quick and easy deflation. The buoyancy levels are very high: 12.2kg of thrust on size XS and about 20 kg on size M. Despite these characteristics, which are typical of professional equipment, the weight remains quite low (3.1 kg size M) and is ideal for carrying on flights. The range of accessories is of excellent quality: roll up pocket for stowing a spare mask or other objects on the right hand side, an elasticated, fully adjustable waistband, comfortable back cover, Lock Aid weight system, full range of D-rings and snap-locks for carrying accessories.

Duration : 0:1:6

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