One size fits all – Force Fin’s Comfort Instep
Force Fin’s Comfort Instep is a fleece lined foot pocket pad that cushions your foot against the fin while doubling the range of Force Fin sizes that fit your foot when using different footwear. For example a diver can use one pair pair of Force Fins for a wide variety of gear set ups – wet boots, drysuit and barefoot simply by adding or taking out the Comfort Instep.
Always size yourself up to the largest size footwear you think you will every use and simply use the Comfort Instep to change the size of foot pocket to meet your personal needs.
Duration : 0:2:5
[youtube -rNXHyH8Mno]
Ready to Go!
Ready to Go!
I like the comfort …
I like the comfort instep because you don’t even need a GED to figure it out.