Scuba Diving for Beginners : Symptoms of Nitrogen Narcosis
Saturday, March 6th, 2010 at
10:39 pm
Know when to surface when diving. Learn about Symptoms of Nitrogen Narcosis in this free scuba diving lesson from our experienced diver and certified PADA dive master.
Expert: Cole Abbott
Bio: Cole Abbott is currently working as a divemaster in Kauai, Hawaii. He holds many certifications through PADI, including Wreck Diver, Night Diver, Fish Identification and Search and Rescue.
Filmmaker: Amy Miyajima
Duration : 0:1:16
[youtube ZbhGcKQoZb8]
I WENT TOO 9000 …
In the Keys I did a …
In the Keys I did a bounce to 150ft, and do a lot of deep dives and have yet to feel nn
pretty well said …
pretty well said but you did not explain what is nitrogen narcosis you just explain the side effects, Well let me let everyone know that breathing compressed air under pressure causes nitrogen built up in the body and gets worse as you go deeper that’s why you assend to a shallower depth to rid off the effects.Also the reason you do a safety stop at 15 foot to off gas.
Most people barley …
Most people barley feel narcosis until over 100 feet. People who can handle themselved well when under booze and dope will be familiar with that feeling and recognize that they need to monitor their dive time, air and depth more carefully. If your not familiar with being high you can get into trouble becuase you are having so much fun you forgot to stop decending or stay too long at depth. I have been down 250 feet and you get wasted
my friend saw a red …
my friend saw a red double decker london bus at 40m haha
lol 95 feet at …
lol 95 feet at Paradise Springs, in Florida
narcosis actually …
narcosis actually takes effect after 33 feet but symptoms dont show themselves until after 80 feet
One dive costs …
One dive costs around $40 when you rent all equipment, cheaper if you have your own. One night out on booze can cost way past 100, not to mention the horrible after effects the following day, cost of posting bail, etc, etc
where do you …
where do you live that diving is cheaper than alcohol!? xD
I was just diving …
I was just diving in Saudi and I got NN at 135 feet.. It was awesome but I had a dive computer.. i dont recommend anyone to attempt getting what I got without one. I had a 15 minute deco stop.
It’s safe as long as u know u have it and keep checking ur depth, air, and remaining bottom time (to avoid severe deco).
I dive for the …
I dive for the narcosis. Its cheaper than alcohol. I think thats why all divers really do it.
narcosis or narked …
narcosis or narked you will feel like your drunk people do very stupid things like take the regulator out of there mouth and look at it and wonder what it does or you can stand right in front of there face and wave your hand and they wont respond its important to know it effects different people in different ways a way to combat this to remember is just go up a few meters and i can dissapear as fast as it came and if you see someone narked stay with them dont let them go until you get the ok
Ooh! I once filmed …
Ooh! I once filmed a lobster dancin’ around on the sand for 20 minutes too!
nacosis. isnt that …
nacosis. isnt that sort of like drunkness. like on the mind. not body
i got it when i was …
i got it when i was 12, doing the maths thing they make u do that was at about 30 feet and i got it when i was 16 at 115 feet, i dont remember much but the divermasters told me i was sat on the bottom spinning around and laughing
…Narcosis happens …
…Narcosis happens all the time, we’re under narcosis right now breathing air at sea level. But it isn’t until below 30 meters (4 bar) that narcosis has a visible effect on our judgement and thinking.
he’s talking a load …
he’s talking a load of shit.narcosis can happen at 30ft.